Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Part 106 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including in admission and employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and CFR 106 to Adams State University may be directed to Adams State’s Office of Equal Opportunity, Director Ana Guevara, and/or to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education. Support resources for sexual misconduct, Adams State’s sexual misconduct policies, contact information for the Adams State University’s Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, as well as a detailed procedure for filing a grievance due to discrimination on the basis of sex may be found online at Reporting Sexual Harassment. These procedures also describe the University’s response to reports and/or complaints of sex discrimination or sexual harassment.
To file a complaint of sexual misconduct (harassment, assault, domestic violence), or for more information, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Ana Guevara at anaguevara@ensemblevocaldegignac.com or 719-587-8213 or Assistant Title IX Coordinator Delilah Chavez delilahchavez@ensemblevocaldegignac.com or 719-587-8224.
Adams State University prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination or retaliation that violates federal or state law or the Universities discrimination policies. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, nation origin, gender sexual orientation, sex, veteran status, or disability. The University complies with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, The Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act, Executive Order 11246, Section 24-34-301 C.R.S. et seq. section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
To file a complaint of discrimination, or for more information, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity Director, Ana Guevara at anaguevara@ensemblevocaldegignac.com or 719-587-8213 or Assistant Director Delilah Chavez delilahchavez@ensemblevocaldegignac.com or 719-587-8224.